Enjoying Food As Medicine
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates (c. 460 BC – c. 375 BC)
In the health and wellness world, we often refer to this phrase to emphasize the importance of food as medicine and nutrition to prevent or cure disease.
Food is the #1 determinant of health and disease during your lifetime. Your relationship with food is fundamental to how you approach eating and enjoying food.
Food is many things to different people and at different times. We eat...
The 10 minute "Garlic" rule... It's nature's medicicne and science agress!
I want to start the Lunar New Year of the “Tiger" with talking about Garlic!
Not just because it is one of the most powerful herbs on the planet but also because it’s nature’s medicine. And science agrees!
I’ve shared a recipe for my homemade garlic – olive oil topping below, but first let me share some of garlic rules!
Garlic is part of the Allium genus which includes onions, shallots, and leeks. Its major active component, the amino acid allicin, is enhanced when garlic is...
New Year New Ways: Resilience is a muscle, so let’s build it
10 ways to start the new year by taking care of your mental health and responding better to stress
Now that 2022 is here, you might be thinking about your resolutions for this new year. Along with your resolutions, consider focusing on creating goals. Goals are more specific efforts involving planning and taking action to ensure that we can make positive changes for the new year and beyond. While many people may think about goals focused on their careers or their finances, it is also...